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Major in Religious Studies

The undergraduate major in Religious Studies offers a choice between a general Religious Studies degree -- Global Study of Religion (GSR) and one of three focused interdisciplinary concentrations

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*NEW* Concentration starting in FALL 2025

Media, Technology, Journalism and Religion (MTJR)

Requirements (GSR)

The departmental major consists of 12 courses in the department:

*If you are interested in pursuing a Religious Studies degree conferred with Honors, please see our Senior Honors Program Page: HERE


Course Substitutions

Students may substitute as many as 2 courses on religion from outside the department. Please see the list below of approved courses. Other courses that are squarely focused on the study of religion taught in other departments may be proposed (a full description and copy of syllabus should be provided) for potential approval by the Religious Studies DUS on a case-by-case basis.

To propose another course for substitution approval, please submit a course description and syllabus, accompanied by a written request, to the Director of the Undergraduate Studies.

Double Counting Rules

Many courses offered at Northwestern fit more than one requirement. In some situations, a Weinberg student taking such a course can count it toward multiple requirements; in other situations, such “double-counting” is not allowed.

The Registrar's website provides a useful summary of Weinberg College double-counting rules for specific majors and minors.

Declaring a Major or a Minor