Introduction To Sanskrit
Instructor: Professor Mark McClish
(Winter 2023 & Spring 2023)
Religion 305-1 and Religion 305-2 are a two course sequence intended to provide basic facility reading the Sanskrit language. The courses cover the Devanagari syllabary as well as Sanskrit vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. Throughout the course, we emphasize reading comprehension, starting with simple Sanskrit passages and building toward the ability to read actual Sanskrit texts, such as the Bhagavad Gītā and the Mahābhārata.
Important information about these courses:
- We will meet two times a week for 80 minutes each class
- Both courses can be taken for graduate credit
- Both count toward a major or minor in Religious Studies
- Neither counts towards Weinberg’s language proficiency or distribution requirements
- Both can help to fulfill McCormick’s theme requirement
- REL 305-1 is a prerequisite for REL 305-2
If there is sufficient demand, students who complete REL 305-1 and 305-2 will be eligible to enroll in Intermediate Sanskrit courses next year. Students who complete this sequence will also be able to join our informal Sanskrit reading group after they have completed both courses.