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Annual 2025-2026 Class Schedule

Course #Course TitleFallWinterSpring
POLI_SCI 395-22The American Border (RLP)Hurd
REL 101-8-21First-Year Writing Seminar: Islamophobia and Antisemitism Ingram
REL 101-8-22First-Year Writing Seminar: Puppets, Robots, and other Uncanny DoublesBuckelew
REL 101-8-23First-Year Writing SeminarOrsi
REL 170-20Introduction to the Study of ReligionBielo
REL 210-20Introduction to BuddhismBuckelew
REL 220-20Introduction to Hebrew BibleWimpfheimer
REL 230-20Introduction to Judaism: Jewish Texts Schwartz
REL 250-20Introduction to IslamHamid
REL 261-20Environmental ConsciousnessMcClish
REL 264-20American Religious History from 1865 to the Great DepressionOrsi
REL 265-20American Religious History from WWII to Present (RLP)Orsi
REL 270-20Introduction to TheologyHelmer
REL 309-20Enlightenment: Theories and Practices of Self-Realization in Indic TraditionMcClish
REL 315-20Buddhist Auto/BiographyJacoby
REL 316-20Religion and the Body in China (RSG, RHM)Buckelew
REL 318-20Buddhist Cultures and the Rhetoric of Violence (RLP)Terrone
REL 318-21Religion and Culture in the People's Republic of China (RLP)Terrone
REL 319-20Chan/Zen BuddhismBuckelew
REL 339-20The Art of Rabbinic Narrative Wimpfheimer
REL 339-21Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism (RLP)Wimpfheimer
REL 339-22KabbalahWimpfheimer
REL 345-20 Idea of Sainthood in Christianity: The Ambiguity of the Undead: Saints in Byzantium and RussiaIvanov
REL 359-20Islam and ColonialismIngram
REL 369-20What is Christian Nationalism (RLP)Bielo
REL 371-20Religion, Film, TV: The Spirit of Horses (RHM, MTJR)Taylor
REL 379-21Politics of Minorities in the Middle East Religion (RLP)Hurd
REL 379-22Exhibiting ReligionBielo
REL 386-20 Sin, Salvation, RacializationMolina
REL 395-20Theories of ReligionTaylor
REL 468-20Graduate Seminar: Textual EthnographySchwartz
REL 471-20Graduate Seminar: Language and Power Bielo
REL 471-22Graduate Seminar: NondualismMcClish
REL 476-20Graduate Seminar: Studies in IslamHamid
REL 476-22Graduate Seminar: New Directions in Islamic StudiesIngram
REL 481-1-20Graduate Seminar: Classical Theories of ReligionOrsi/Helmer
REL 481-2-20Graduate Seminar: Contemporary Theories of ReligionMolina
REL 482-20Graduate Seminar: Religion and the More Than HumanJacoby