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Spring 2019 Class Schedule

Spring 2019 Course Descriptions
REL 210-21Introduction to BuddhismBondMW  12:30-1:50pm
REL 220-20Introduction to Hebrew BibleWimpfheimerMW  11-12:20pm
REL 250-20Introduction to IslamIngramTTH  11-12:20pm
REL 314-20 (ASIAN_LC 390-23)Buddhism in the Contemporary World (RHM)JacobyTTH  9:30-10:50am
REL 346-20 (ART_HIST 329-20)Church ArchitectureKieckheferMWF  2-2:50pm
REL 349-21The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the ApostlesSeniorT  2-4:30pm
REL 364-20 (AMER_ST 310-2)American Teenage Rites of Passage (RSG)TaylorW  2-4:30pm
REL 369-21 (ENVR_POL 390-24)Media, Earth, & Making a DifferenceTaylorF  2-4:30pm
REL 373-20 (GLB_HLTH 390-23)Religion and Bioethics (RHM)TrainaMW  9:30-10:50am
REL 374-20Religion and LiteratureSufrinMW  9:30-10:50am
REL 379-22History of the DevilWheatleyTTh  3:30-4:50pm
REL 379-23 (LEGAL_ST 376-23)Native American Religious Freedom (RLP)DeesMW  12:30-1:50 pm
REL 379-25 (PHIL 314)Kant’s Philosophy of ReligionDr. Seeskin and Dr. ZuckertTTH  11-12:20pm
REL 460-20Medieval Liturgy: A Multimedia ExperienceKieckhefer/NewmanTH  2-4:50pm
REL 473-20Studies in the History of Religions: Tibetan language seminarJacobyTBA